Submit a publication
Send your manuscript to the editorial staff at First, read the technical requirements for submitting manuscripts and the Code of Ethics.
Anonymous review
In the event of initial approval editors will delete any personal information and send the manuscript to two anonymous reviewers who are experts in the area of the research.
Еditorial board
The members of the editorial team are full professors and associate professors from the Faculty of Philology at Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv. The members of the Editorial Board are renowned researchers from various countries and scientific organisations.
Bulgarian & English
The journal accepts publications in Bulgarian and English. They can be of interest to specialists in various branches of the humanities.
About the journal
Linguistics, Interpretations, Concepts is a journal published by the Faculty of Philology of Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv.
The journal is published biannually (January and June), and one of the two issues covers a particular topic.
Goals and scope of the journal
LInC publishes articles on topics in the theory, history and sociology of language and literature, culture studies, media studies, comparative studies, studies on dialogues between the arts, studies on educational strategies and practices in the humanities, and academic book reviews.
The journal provides a platform for researchers with different methods and approaches, belonging to different generations and identifying with different cultural traditions and contexts.
Submit a publication
Publication in LInC is free of charge for the authors, as well as for the institutions to which they are affiliated. Access to the online edition is free, as is access to the full texts.
Submissions to the journal are subject to double-blind peer review by two independent reviewers who are experts in the respective research areas.
The texts published in LInC are in Bulgarian or English and should be of interest to specialists in various branches of the humanities.
The journal seeks to create a forum for tolerant and valuable intellectual debate on issues engaging contemporary researchers in the humanities, to popularise the achievements of Bulgarian and foreign scholars, and to accommodate the needs of a readership with specific interests and backgrounds.
The journal is funded by Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, and is published by Plovdiv University Press.
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 / Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
ISSN: 3033-0181 (Print)
ISSN: 3033-0599 (Online)
Head Editors
Editors Board
Code of Ethics
The publisher and the editorial team of Linguistics, Interpretation, Concepts are guided by the norms and internationally established academic publishing standards, as reflected in the documents of the Committee on Publication Ethics
- complies with the guidelines stipulated in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors;
- is responsible for the overall scientific strategy of the publication and seeks to publish works by Bulgarian and foreign scholars of stature, as well as by young promising scholars from different countries and institutions;
- appoints as reviewers experts with standing and unquestionable merit in the respective research field(s) (Editorial Board members cannot be reviewers);
- selects journal content that suits the professional community’s current interests;
- ensures that diverse points of view are presented, that freedom of scholarly expression is not restricted and that scholarly debate in the humanities is stimulated;
- is guided strictly by scholarly criteria, aims and objectives in the selection of texts and does not allow any form of discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnicity, religion, gender or age;
- abides by the journal’s copyright policy which complies with the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act of the Republic of Bulgaria and with the best global practices in the relevant field (see Publication Agreement);
- counteracts any malpractice (submissions are vetted for plagiarism; fair co-author relationships are guaranteed by requiring a co-author contribution report indicating each author’s contribution to the specific article/study; potential conflicts of interest are monitored);
- ensures the verifiability of the work done in the process of accepting, reviewing and publishing texts;
- strictly follows the procedures of double-blind peer review of articles submitted to the Editorial Office;
- informs the authors about the pre-publishing stages of the article/study in a timely manner and helps to improve the submitted manuscript;
- ensures the confidentiality of authors and reviewers as well as of correspondence concerning the improvement of the manuscript quality;
- does not use for personal gain information obtained in the process of working with authors and reviewers;
- in case of a signal of any sort of impropriety or dishonesty in a text that has already been published, makes sure that the audience is informed about the problematic content (discloses the editorial position on the case and/or the opposing opinion and/or the respective author’s corrective text);
- in collaboration with the publisher, takes care of the journal’s electronic archive, as well as of the published texts’ permanent visibility on the LInC website.
- may submit to the journal only their own work that has not been either published in or submitted to another journal;
- must have formatted their text in accordance with the LinC Guidelines for Authors;
- is/are responsible for the reliability of the primary data they utilise in their research and for the proposed work’s originality;
- when their text is published again, they must include a correct bibliographical reference to its first publication in LInC;
- must cite accurately and fully all sources used in the writing of the research paper;
- must specify the institutions, organisations, projects, individuals relevant to the preparation of their study (by funding the research that resulted in its production, by providing specific information, working conditions, access to a non-public archive, etc.);
- must report any conflicts of interest;
- must answer the reviewers’ questions, respond to their comments and, if necessary, make changes to the submitted text; in case of disagreement with the proposed corrective options, the author has the right to withdraw the submitted manuscript;
- must promptly inform the Editors if they discover a serious omission or error in their work after submission;
- does/do not disclose details of their collaboration with the editorial board as part of the publication process;
- complies with the journal’s Code of Ethics and with generally accepted academic norms of ethical conduct.
- complies with the guidelines stipulated in the Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers;
- if the text submitted for evaluation contains any type of information that does not match the invited reviewer’s competence profile, the reviewer must decline the invitation. He/she must do the same if he/she considers that he/she cannot meet the deadline for submitting a review (the deadline is three weeks);
- is to strive for objectivity of judgement, is to clearly state his/her position (the reviewer recommends the manuscript for publication; the reviewer recommends the manuscript for publication after corrections; the reviewer does not recommend the manuscript for publication), justifies his/her comments on the manuscript, and suggests corrections that he/she believes would improve the quality of the manuscript;
- notifies the Editorial Board in the event of a potential conflict of interest;
- keeps the information obtained while working on a specific manuscript confidential, does not use this information for personal gain and does not discuss it with persons outside the editorial board;
- complies with the journal’s Code of Ethics.
Editorial Team
The editorial team consists of Professors and Associate Professors from the Faculty of Philology at Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv. Members of the Editorial Board are internationally renowned researchers.
Language and Culture

Assoc. Prof. Snezha Tsoneva-Mathewson, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Yana Chankova, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Boryan Yanev, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Fani Boykova, PhD
Literature and Culture

Prof. Inna Peleva, DSc

Assoc. Prof. Zhivko Ivanov, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Mladen Vlashki, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Yana Rowland, PhD
Editorial board
Members of the Editors board are prominent researchers from various countries and scientific organizations.
Editorial Assistant: Аssistant Professor Vanya Georgieva, PhD
Procedure for acceptance, review and publication of a text.
Publisher's address
Plovdiv 4000, Plovdiv University Publishing House, King Asen St 24
Review Email:
Technical Requirements
Find the technical requirements (guidelines for authors) for formatting of submissions.
Publication Agreement
Prior to publishing we will send you a declaration of consent for the article to be published.
The text proposed for publication is sent as an email attachment to the Editorial team of the journal.
An editor will then contact you on this email.
Before publication we will send you a declaration of consent for the paper to be published.
To accept the declaration you must be a registered user in the system.
The manuscript file must have a .doc or .docx extension.
Issue number 3 theme: Narrative and Trauma
Submission of texts for issue four: until 30.03.2025
Frequently asked questions:
How many issues come out every year?
The journal is published biannually (January and June), and one of the two issues covers a particular topic.
Is access to the publications free?
Access to the online edition is free, as is access to the full texts.
Do I need to register if I would like to submit a paper ?
To submit a manuscript you MUST be a registered user.